How best to introduce one's love life on a blog...
"Lovelife, meet some bloggers. Some bloggers, meet lovelife."
This is project has been a long time coming. I didn't anticipate launching it blog-style, but life's like that. A surprise at every turn. For those that haven't worked it out yet, I've allocated this space to the purpose of posting about the people who have appeared on one or more of the following my love radar, sexual radar or otherwise non-platonic radar, in a chronological fashion we will be summoning of the Ghosts of Lovers Past. The ones that got away, and the ones that didn't want to get away but were packaged and delivered by courier to the Arctic Pole. (Only joking - it was Svalbard.)
This project is still very much an idea in progress. I still haven't finalised the final scope of this particular project. Who rates a mention? People who I actually dated, or folk with a funny story? People I actually slept with, or anyone and everyone who turned my head at some point in time? At this point, it's been narrowed down to pretty much anyone's who's left an imprint. That still leaves a daunting array of names, but I reserve the right to cull anyone whose value to this process is questionable.
An objective person may find themselves leaning towards the conclusion that this is for pure self-gratification; bragging, ragging on my exes, or just coz' I like to talk about shagging. I'd like to state very clearly that this is not the purpose of this exercise. This is about self-discovery, baby. So hold on, and enjoy the ride.
The observant blogger may have noticed that I've disabled comments on this blog. This is very deliberate. I don't have a problem with this info being available for any mofo who stumbles on this page; there's plenty of info that I'm not especially proud of, but nothing that I believe I ought be ashamed of. However, as the subject matter is of a fairly intimate nature, if people wish to comment on it, I'd prefer to receive such comments in an email. Feedback in the form of other peoples thoughts and experiences are always appreciated, and any value-added commentary received may indeed find their way here.
My narcissistic self is clapping its hands quite gleefully at this point. It's really important that I not get too hung up on it all though. The general aim is to look as openly and honestly as I can at the experiences I'd had, my beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, whilst endeavouring not to be too negative regarding myself and others. In other words: piss off Inner Critic. You're not needed in this.
Athea Archangel......these are your relay-shun-ships.